I fell in love with Iyengar yoga over 25 years ago during my sports science doctorate studies. I wanted to explore a more compassionate and holistic approach to health and fitness, but had no idea that yoga would become such an important part of my life.
People ask why I do it – why spend two or three hours every day on a mat? Good question! For me, it is simple: the more I do the better I feel. Iyengar yoga adapts to meet the constantly shifting needs of the individual, be it physically, mentally or emotionally.
My academic background as a research scientist for Cambridge University involved trying to understand more about mental health, including the relationship between the mind and body. Over time I moved away from academia to focus more on teaching yoga.
I’m continually surprised by the power of yoga and its ability to enhance the well-being of the whole person. Personally, I’ve experienced its value during some tough times with serious health issues. This enables me to empathise with those who find yoga a challenge. I want to support you to get the most out of your practice. It is very rewarding to pass on my enthusiasm for yoga to people of all ages or abilities, and to observe students as they progress over the years.
Look forward to sharing some yoga with you soon.
Very best wishes,